bright day...

such a wonderful day for new beginnings. it was interesting to share it with a three year old. i'm not sure how much she understands or will remember but she did master obama's name and was very excited to point him out when ever she saw him. my son watched with his school mates today, or some of them anyway. much of the school traveled together down to the capitol to be there in person. my thoughts were with them today... i hope they didn't freeze!

1. IMG_4019.JPG, 2. IMG_4017.JPG, 3. Ed.Inauguration_0445, 4. IMG_9728, 5. CRW_2191, 6. Ed.Inauguration_0405, 7. CRW_2184, 8. IMG_9741, 9. IMG_9725, 10. Obama Inauguration - Chicago, 11. IMG_9732, 12. IMG_9745

Created with fd's Flickr Toys.

i created the above by putting in the tag "inauguration" and this is what came up. there is a great flickr group also, where people are sharing their own photos. kind of a nice way to connect with others... something many people are doing on the historic day.

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